Take the Pledge!
I live near the ocean and participate in beach cleanups with my family. On these cleanups, the majority of trash we collect is single-use plastics like bottles, bottle caps, and plastic straws.
My name is Chloe Mei Espinosa, and for my 6th grade Passion Project, I chose to create a campaign against using single-use plastic straws. Thank you to everyone who has helped me reach my goal to get 500 people to Take the Pledge and stop using single-use plastic straws – for a week, a month, or forever. By taking the pledge you will help save the ocean animals and the aquatic environment. Together we can do it, one straw at a time.
In restaurants join me in saying, "No straw needed, thanks."
Click the button below to take the pledge to stop using single-use plastic straws.
people have taken the pledge.